I am Renee Blankartz. My husband died on June 24th, 2010. This blog was a glimpse into our life including: journal entries, art pieces, political commentary, thoughts on current events, essays on faith, books and recent photo shoots. To everyone visiting to find out more about Michael thank you for taking the time to remember him.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Ministry Feature: HUM

(photos provided by Gabe Shippam)

About HUM-
Horizon Christian Fellowship Park Chapel is a 501 c (3) non-profit, Tax ID #
33-0847749. Horizon Urban Ministries is a D.B.A. of Horizon Park Chapel.
Horizon Urban Ministries exists to bring a horizon of hope to a hurting
world. Our primary focuses are: 1. The poor and homeless, 2. At-risk youth
and 3. The interdenominational Christian church. We do this through a
variety of outreaches and programs which include food and clothing
distribution, weekly meals for the homeless, outreach teams, assistance at
low-income hotels, referrals to shelters, drug recovery programs, mission
trips and many other outreaches into the broken community. Everything we do
is freely given with no prerequisites or requirements. We hold no biases in
our service and function solely for the well being of our community. HUM
changes people’s lives, gives a new chance and hope to a hurting world and
rebuilds the community.

What is the Bridge-
HUM hosts short-term mission trips for groups who desire to experience the
gospel lived out in an urban setting known as, The Bridge. Urban
communities are brimming with people who lack food, clothing, shelter, love,
acceptance, and a relationship with Jesus. In the city we see brokenness,
hopelessness and despair. We can lead others to the Lord by helping them
bridge the gap between need and fulfillment. Join us in the city, on a
trip that will challenge your group as we advance the kingdom and change the
city. This happens as we go outside the church walls and work together to
bring hope to a hurting world.

HUM desires to reawaken the church to be the revolutionary power in our
communities. We desire to become a church WITH the poor and not just for the
poor. We Bridge the Gap between the rich and poor, the church and the lost,
and also between the many different Christian denominations.

For more information regarding HUM please contact Gabe Shippam at gabe@horizonparkchapel.org

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